Redefining the Impossible: From Dreaming to Doing in Life's Everest Moments

451.7 areté goals


Hello Awesome People! 🌟 Hope you're rocking this day and feeling the zest for life as much as I am! Today, we're diving into a delicious chunk from Brian Johnson's early-released book, Areté. This book is all about being your best self, which aligns perfectly with our shared mission here. And guess what? Today's snippet is about redefining the impossible. Sound exciting? Trust me, it is! 😄


Before we go any further, I want you to think about something: How many times have you looked at a dream or goal and thought, "Nah, that's impossible!"? We all have those moments. But today's read might just change your perspective. 🚀



In Spartan Up!, Joe De Sena tells the ridiculously inspiring story of extreme adventurer Göran Kropp.

It goes like this… Imagine your friend inviting you on an adventure.

He tells you: “Let’s hop on our bikes from our homes in Sweden, ride to the base of Mount Everest, then hop off, ascend to the summit without oxygen or a sherpa and then come back down and ride back home! You in?!”

You might be tempted to say: “Dude. That’s crazy!”

You might even be tempted to say that it’s impossible. But… Important note: it’s not impossible.


Know this: We’d be wise to recognize the fact that there’s a huge difference between “really hard” and “impossible.”

Our + 1 °…

Do YOU have any “impossible” dreams that need to be redefined as simply really (really!) hard? Yah? Which one?

What ONE big thing would you dare to dream (and do) if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Think about it. Dream about it. Get fired up about it.

Then go WOOP it.

And, if you decide you’re willing to pay the price, then go DO IT.

P.S. Might want to keep this wisdom from Seneca in mind: “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult."

Page 230


Woah, right? 💥 The power of perspective is so strong. Sometimes, the only thing standing between us and our wildest dreams is our belief about what's possible.

🤔 Reflection Time!


To help you digest this golden nugget and, more importantly, put it into action, here are three questions for you:


  1. Redefine the 'Impossible': What’s that one dream you’ve always considered “impossible”? Can you see it as just really, really hard instead?
  2. Your Everest Challenge: If you had to set a daring goal for yourself, akin to biking to Mt. Everest, what would it be? Something that makes you gulp but excites you at the same time!
  3. Next Steps: What’s the first tiny step you can take today towards that “really hard” dream?


Remember, moving from theory to practice to mastery isn’t about monumental leaps; it’s about the courage to take the next step, however tiny. And guess what? I’m here rooting for you, every step of the way. 🎉


I genuinely want to hear your reflections, dreams, and plans. Shoot me an email or DM me on LinkedIn (yeah, I’m there too! 🤓). Let's climb our Everests together!


Hugs and High Fives,


P.S. If this blog got your heart racing and your mind buzzing, I highly recommend diving into the entirety of Areté. Brian's wisdom is bit-size, practical, and actionable! Get your copy here. And remember, keep being awesome, keep being you, and let's redefine the impossible together! 💪🌈



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