Cracking the Code to Authentic Happiness: The Ultimate Guide for Rule Followers

authenticity happiness


Ever wondered why even the most dazzling trophies, fat paychecks, or that seemingly 'perfect life' on Facebook still leave you craving more? You've ticked all the societal boxes: degrees, job, even the dog and the picket fence. Yet, there's an itch you can't scratch. Here you are, achieving societal goals, but your happiness cup still seems half empty. Sound familiar? You're not alone, nor broken. It's just that the happiness map you've been using is a tad outdated. Let’s embark on a journey to authentic happiness and discover what truly sets your soul on fire. Ready to steer your joyride? Let's zoom! πŸš—πŸ’¨


The Golden Key to Authentic Happiness


Far from being a fleeting trend, Authentic Happiness is deeply rooted in positive psychology. It’s the understanding that your worth isn’t weighed by accolades or LinkedIn endorsements but by inner harmony. To achieve it, align your actions, thoughts, and feelings with your unique values and aspirations. To all the diligent rule-followers, people-pleasers, and goal achievers, it’s time for a happiness paradigm shift. You aren’t just a cog in the machine; you’re a vibrant tapestry of dreams, passions, and individuality. Let's ignite that spark!


Cooking Up Your Joy Recipe


Are you ready to whip up your own batch of authentic happiness? The ingredients are all within you. Start by identifying what really matters to YOU—not your parents, not your boss, not society. Find a tranquil corner with your favorite drink β˜•, and note down what genuinely elevates your spirit. Next, break 'em down into actionable goals. Passionate about art? Carve out painting hours. Love the outdoors? Schedule those refreshing nature walks. Through daily, intentional actions, infuse your life with what truly nourishes your soul.


Roadblocks on the Joy Highway


Oh boy, I can almost hear the engines of your mental roadblocks revving up. “What will people think?”, “Am I being selfish?”, “I don't have time!” Sound familiar? These thoughts are the speed bumps on your path to genuine happiness. I understand your reservations; many of us feel the same. You're great at doing for others but shaky when it comes to claiming your own joy. The trick is to reframe these barriers as life's little challenge coins. Each one you overcome levels you up. How? Prioritize yourself without guilt. Start small. Say 'No' when you want to. The world won't end, I promise. And remember, being your authentic self isn't a rebellious act—it’s the highest form of self-love. πŸ’–


πŸ“ Your Authentic Happiness Homework


Are you ready to crank up the volume on your happiness playlist? 🎡 Dive into this homework, take the wheel, and let's cruise down the highway to a more joyful, authentic you! Don’t just read—act! Mark your calendar now. Do. Reflect. And, feel the vibe shift! πŸŒˆπŸ’–


Self-Reflection Journaling: 
  • Purpose: To tap into your genuine desires and passions, distancing from societal 'shoulds.'
  • Task: Find a quiet space, grab a journal or a piece of paper, and answer the following: 
    • List down 5 achievements or possessions you were told would make you happy. How do they make you feel now?
    • Jot down 3 moments in the past week when you felt genuinely joyful. What were you doing? Who were you with?
  • Reflection: When you compare the two lists, do you notice any patterns or surprises? This will give you insights into what authentically fills your happiness cup.

Joyful Action Planning:
  • Purpose: To start integrating activities that resonate with your authentic self.
  • Task: Refer to your second list from the journaling exercise. Choose one activity or experience that gave you genuine joy. Schedule a time within the next week to engage in this activity again. Mark it in your calendar and treat it as non-negotiable.
  • Reflection: After the activity, jot down your feelings. Did it give you the same joy as before? This will guide you in understanding and prioritizing such experiences more frequently.


Brave Boundaries Setting:
  • Purpose: To practice asserting yourself and prioritizing your well-being.
  • Task: Think of one situation or commitment in the upcoming week that doesn't align with your values or genuine desires. Practice saying 'No' to it, whether it's declining an invite or delegating a task. If saying 'No' feels too daunting, try negotiating for terms that feel more aligned with your well-being.
  • Reflection: Reflect on your feelings after setting that boundary. Recognize and celebrate the courage it took, even if it was challenging. Over time, this practice will get easier and contribute significantly to your authentic happiness.


Well, my friend, that’s a wrap today. What are you taking away from today’s message? I’d love to hear from you. Drop me an email or DM me on LinkedIn. Please consider sharing this blog with those you care about. Together, we can co-create a happier, more authentic, more supportive, loving world. πŸŒŸπŸ’«


Until next time, remember: authentic happiness isn't a mythical unicorn πŸ¦„ or a far-off destination. It's a continuous journey, steered by the compass of your values, passions, and dreams. Embrace the detours, learn from the obstacles, and always treat yourself with kindness. If you've been in the passenger seat for too long, now's the time to grab that steering wheel and drive towards the joy that truly resonates with your soul. Here's to the journey! πŸŒΌπŸŒŸπŸš—πŸ’¨


With love and a dash of moxie,
Lori 😊


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